Thursday, July 07, 2005

"A little rebellion now and a medicine necessary for the sound health of government." Thomas Jefferson
Happy Independence Day!!! Today we celebrated quietly at home with Dan reading the Declaration of Independence
(yesterday I started this post but never made it back to the computer)
"A little rebellion now and a medicine necessary for the sound health of government." Thomas Jefferson
Happy Independence Day!!! Today we celebrated quietly at home with Dan reading the Declaration of Independence. (picking up from here)
We have a fireplace here in our townhouse. I have always wanted a fireplace. So I get to have one for 3 months during the summer *sigh* oh well. Dan and Michael built a fire for us last night. We sat around and read by the hot fire while of course, cranking up the AC. LOL
Plenty of fireworks going off in the neighborhood. It was nice that we had invitations to go places but after Dan working all weekend the kids just wanted to stay home and that really was good for us.
We reflected about going to the Needham Parade when we got Shosh's (Dan's younger sister) pictures from the 4th. The kids and I had gone to this parade for 10 years straight with my sister in law Karen (1990-2000). We would meet at Grandpa's and he would make us breakfast, then we would go to the Parade and then the flea market.
We appreciate and hold our freedoms dear to us. It is our hope to continue to help maintain those freedoms as we feel called to action.
Pax Vobiscum. CM

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