Saturday, December 25, 2004

Floridian Christmas and random thoughts
This is our second Floridian Christmas without my sister-in-law, Kelly. For a number of years we had talked about going to Florida for Christmas. Well, Kel if you are reading I am 2 up on you now and I miss you. We have had a wonderful week of getting together with friends and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. It has been a great week. Our little Christmas at home happened a little earlier than we expected as Dan managed to get out of work at 4 instead of 730pm today. All of us were very grateful.
"Pounding" My friend Chelo was given her daughter-in-law a "pounding" for her new home. I said, "A POUNDING?! Are you going to beat her up? I am confused. Chelo laughed so hard. A pounding is when you usually give a new bride a lb. of this and a lb. of that.....flour, sugar, butter, bananas, oranges, carrots, potatoes, etc.

There was something else but it has randomly left my memory bank. Good night one and all. May peace, joy and love fill your hearts.

1 comment:

Daniel M. said...

that is hilarious Catherine. If and when we ever get settled somewhere, i will call all your friends and have them give YOu a POUNDING.