Monday, August 06, 2012

Changes ever constant

All the words are twisted between a plethora of emotions;
Life keeps rolling faster as my aging parents slow down.
Tears fall easy as their grandchild weds,
Wasn't it just yesterday that I sang to my children tugged in bed.
My eyes are sore and my heart is full.
God's grace has sustained me for all the years gone by and He will
be faithful for the days that lie ahead.

Newlyweds step into the unknown.
Twinkle in their eyes, kisses on their lips.
Holding each other closer.  Loving. Forgiving. Enjoying.
Rehearse this love, remember that we are here for each other.
Life is not meant to be lived alone. Older ones and little ones
seem to need our care the most.

Live life knowing that you are loved and you will freely love one another.

1 comment:

Liz said...

"God's grace has sustained me for all the years gone by and He will
be faithful for the days that lie ahead."

Mmmm. Yes. Thankfully, even though life is constantly changing, God does not.