Adrenaline junkies probably make good criminals. A life of crime may pay. Getting away without being caught can give one a sense of victory. But is it really worth it?
Yesterday I saw The Town. And yes, as my son pointed out, you are seeing it just because it is set in Boston. He has that right. The Town in the story is a neighborhood in Boston, namely, Charlestown. It is where my dad grew up and my Auntie lived there until 2003. I lived with my Auntie briefly in 1985. Michael asked me, what about the story in the movie? I said, I am sure it will have a story and it did.
Bank and Armored money truck jobs include planning, violence and a disregard for the well-being of people. It is still people who commit crimes and crimes are generally committed against people. There was lots of action and edge of your seat moments in the movie but the story was the criminal and the victim coming into a relationship. It was this relationship in the midst of the crime that was authentic and sad. The other relationships in the movie were realistic too but there was no time to develop those because there was another job to be pulled off.
Criminals are people with souls. I think I have always been sympathetic toward the offenders not in a "I want them to get away with the crimes nor reveling in their anger" kind of way but in the realization that but for the grace of God there go I. Although, I did not enter a life of crime, the potential was there and the Lord has speared me from entering that lifestyle. The pain of Ben Affleck's character Doug McRay was evident even though it was not addressed in the dialogue. It was evident in his eyes and in his reaction to things. The story never blames his childhood for his actions. It is a case of it is what it is. However, Doug does not want it to always be that way. His interest in his victim organically develops into a relationship. The interest becomes an interest in a new life. This interest represents hope. (Now, I am making myself want to see the movie again...hopefully, I will wait until it comes out on DVD) Genesis says, it is not good for man to be alone. We were created to be in relationship with one another. In this world and in Christendom people are looked upon as the enemy. People are fallen, sinful if you would and responsible for their actions but not truly are enemies. We are all capable of committing heinous acts. People who commit heinous crimes and those who don't are both in need of redemption.
Some crimes you pay with your very blood, some you pay with your time and most you pay with your soul. Crime doesn't pay. It does however cost.

Some crimes you pay with your very blood, some you pay with your time and most you pay with your soul. Crime doesn't pay. It does however cost.

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