Thursday, September 02, 2010

You are INVITED:

to be delighted

to be inspired

to have one of the books of history

opened for you to see for perhaps the first time

by the telling of this incredible story

In celebration of the 375th Anniversary of Concord Massachusetts

Tickets for "Song on the Wind" are now available exclusively
by calling our toll free number. (877) 746-9755

Performance Dates:
Performances are approx. 3 hours in length including a 20 minute intermission.

Fridays, Wednesday & Saturdays September 10, 11, 15, 17, 18 at 7:30 p.m.

Saturdays & Sundays September 11, 12, 18, 19 at 2:00 p.m.

For some time I have been meaning to blog about this production, the true story of those early settlers and the natives of this land in "The Bay Colony" as Massachusetts was once known and how they related to one another and live together. My husband Dan is one of the cast members. In keeping with New Life Fine Arts mission statement, "Theatre you can believe in" everything is done with excellence, the music, the story, the sets and the costumes are beautifully crafted so that the story may be brought to life together with the actors, singers and musicians.

For Tickets and Further information visit

Song on the Wind

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