never far from the road
(windmill photo by Katie Mullaney)
Write an email or write a blog? This is the question that I am asking myself after a phone call with my friend Becky in Georgia, who said keep us updated with what is going on. Some of you may or may not know that our daughter, Grace is in Holland right now and will be back in the States next month, Katie has become a great speech writer and Michael's comedic timing is near perfect (I don't want to say perfect because then there would be no room for improvement, there is always room for improvement).

Write an email or write a blog? This is the question that I am asking myself after a phone call with my friend Becky in Georgia, who said keep us updated with what is going on. Some of you may or may not know that our daughter, Grace is in Holland right now and will be back in the States next month, Katie has become a great speech writer and Michael's comedic timing is near perfect (I don't want to say perfect because then there would be no room for improvement, there is always room for improvement).
If I just answer the question, "What is going on?" A possible answer is "I am going, and going, and going even though our address here in MA has been the same for nearly 6 months I have spend time in NH, FL, IN, KY, VA Beach, Houston, TX and next week we head to PA."
Living in an old seaside village just south of Boston is a great place for someone like me. Far enough out to enjoy solitude but only a drive away from Boston and the greater metropolitan community. Hull is also the former home of Paragon Park

and the place where I had my first roller coaster ride on the Comet or The Giant Coaster as it was known as back in the day. Since, taking this little detour down memory lane, I went on the web to learn a little bit more about the old ride and I came to find out that the coaster is still in operation at Six Flags in the DC area and is renamed The Wild One. Here I thought it was dead and gone. It makes me want to go to that Six Flags just to ride it with Michael who has never ridden a coaster.
The park closed in 1985 and there are now condos where the park use to be. There are still a few remnants of the old park down on Nantasket Ave.
The plan is to stay here until May 31st, another long stint. (Gainesville, FL having been our longest stay one day short of a year. This Monday will mark the beginning of our 6th year of traveling or will it?) To say that this is a time of evaluation, contemplation and speculation would be pretty accurate. Do we stay or do we go? Do we go somewhere and plant ourselves for a while? A cross roads and we eagerly await the road we will take next, or where the road will take us is probably a little more accurate.
Dan has been working a lot of hours which provides for all of our travel and then some. He is still passionate about his work, celebrating 10 years of nursing on Michael's 15th birthday and being named RN Network's Traveler of the year for 2007.
Since Katie, Michael and I have been on the road so much we have not had a chance to visit with a good number of people that we want to see while we are hear in our earthly homeland. Plans are being made to meet up with some of you and if you are reading this and we haven't been in touch and you want a chance to meet please email me.
The fun part is we have made new friends right here through the national speech and debate league that has taken us to a number of the places I have mentioned. I will end with a shout out to my new friend Sue who is celebrating her birthday today! Happy Birthday Sue!
For those who are followers of Jesus Christ, we remember the broken body and poured out blood of our Lord and Saviour this day.
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